ENTP Memes and Humor

ENTP Humor

Seeing that my two previous postings on Meyers-Briggs personality memes and humor were so popular, I have decided to construct a page on ENTPs. ENTPs and ENFP are known to some as being potentially more compatible to the INTJ personality. Putting these pages together, I hope to not only gain a better insight into the workings of the ENTP mind, but only to share my findings with others. Most of my postings here will be somewhat humorous and thought-provoking in nature.


Robert Downey Jr. - "Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were going to do anyway."



  1. Whilst I enjoyed the ENTP vs INTJ meme (because those are my wife and I respectively), I can only assume an ENTP created this due to the misspelling of "you're", which even now as I write this is mildly irritating me. The ENTP by now has moved on to create 20 more well-intentioned and funny yet erroneous memes and the INTJs are left to fume over this one.

    Well played, ENTPs. Well played

    1. I too noticed the error, yet I disagree w/ your overall assessment... for we are INTJ. You might as well as fume over a puppy urinating on a rug. We both know the effort required to crush others. 'Tis but a trifling. ;-)

  2. I'm ENTP and I noticed the error (you're*). That table with the paperwork does not look cluttered enough to pass as an ENTP's table. Haha.. %-)

  3. Another ENTP checking in on the you're/your mishap. It tweaked me out also - as it would any NT. My guess is that it was made by an INTJ/ENTP couple's ESFP friend who thought she was being clever. (She was, but not quite clever enough.)

    I also agree that the stacks of paperwork are much too neatly stacked to be an ENTP's desk. And why haven't all these forms been converted into electronic documents yet anyway? I'll get right on that.


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