INTJ Memes, Humor, and Other (Part 1)

When I am not solving physics equations or contemplating the complexities of life, I sometimes enjoy viewing various INTJ memes, jokes, and gifs. These links, postings or pictures do not reflect any of my work. I have just searched the web and compiled my favorite findings here on this blog. All rights and credits belong to their original owners or creators. I will continue to update this posting as I find more pictures or quotes I like.


You'd be surprised how often people tell me they'd want to be an INTJ. 

Thought inspiring quote

INTJs and Love, thoughts? 

Others don't take the time to understand me when I understand them quite well.

I would have to say this one is very true, at least for me. (The one below that is)


  1. Re others wanting to be us, this from The Compleat Idiot's Guide to the INTJ:

    Q: Can I become an INTJ?

    A: Unless you are born an INTJ, your only hope is to find a genie lamp while strolling on the beach, rub it, and make a wish. You can fake being one of us by burying yourself in a mound of books, nerding out on a favorite subject (like quantum mechanics, not needlepoint), wandering around by yourself, not giving a damn what others think of you, etc. If this sounds like too much work, just try doing a good robot impersonation.

  2. No he didn't. It's an archaic usage, but still correct.

    1. I find it intreresting and slightly alarming that I was not previously aware of this. However, it is debatable whether or not archaic spellings are 'correct' as such language is even more obsolete than Latin. I will be sure to research this in greater detail and possibly utilise this myself.

    2. Please submit results to this page. We are likely all interested, now.
      They feel so good.

      I'd do it myself but you've got it covered. ;D

  3. Ryan & Anonymous:
    Your comments exemplify classic INTJ dialogue:
    Constructively critical, elegantly laconic.


    1. actually, i think anonymous was the only one doing so. ryan is trying too hard.

    2. The idea of a "try hard"? That doesn't sound like a definition that exists in the mind of an INTJ. This cannot be applicable.

  4. The only hallmark of INTJs I've found in this blog is the arrogance. Just because there are some great people who are INTJs doesn't make you people great as well. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator vaguely describes your personality, getting the INTJ result doesn't necessarily mean you're a genius, and it certainly doesn't put you in the same caliber as the idols these people have been making INTJ fan girl posters of.

    1. Haha :) INTJs are known for their arrogance. And who said anything about great people?

    2. Meh. If your first though is 'arrogance', it's most likely because you've proven to be not worth their time. Now go read a book, idjit. ;-)

    3. Yes it is arrogance, and it's the same, no one love and find worth someone arrogant.

    4. Are you lost?

      You look lost. Poor dear.

    5. Wa ha! I love that SOMEONE has the balls to troll an INTJ page. Good luck, sweet heart. You are outclassed. Now go tweet something, you knuckle-dragger.

    6. As an INTJ I am severely annoyed by those of us who need to correct spelling, especially on the internet. It is a waste of time MOVE ON PEOPLE. Also, as an INTJ, I know I am arrogant. I tell everyone I meet before I become friends with them. If they can't handle it then that is there choice, and I have saved both of us from wasting our time trying to know each other. INTJ's, please just admit your arrogance as I have. It is probably the most "INTJ" thing to do

    7. As an INTJ, and surrounded by the most blissfully unaware of peoples, I can't bring myself to hate them, as one can teach ignorance, stupidity, on the other hand, cannot be fixed my any means in the INTJ arsenal, so I hate stupidity with a fiery burning passion. Also, another thing that irks me is that people try to get into debates with people who they know will have nothing to do with them, as well as people who are "intelligent"( the point of the quotation is to illustrate the fact that the afore mentioned ignoramus believes themselves to be the supreme ruler of the world of logic and science), this irks me as they clearly have no grasp of even the simplest concepts.

    8. Spartan OneEightFive - Simplest concepts? Kinda like how aforementioned is one word? Or were you talking about something more simple?

    9. Reading through these comments, I couldn't help but think to myself: Wow, are people really stupid enough to misspell common words on a webpage dedicated to the INTJ personality type? Go home and read a dictionary. Then maybe for the fun of it we may occasionally let you win a pointless debate even if we have substantial evidence that you are incorrect. Just kidding. You will always be wrong. Your fist mistake was thinking that you could actually win the argument in the first place. Now begone, uncultured swine!

    10. As an INTJ (with some matter of intelligence) that opts more for humanistic fields, I can say that not all of us are as much arrogant as guarding. Once you move out of the areas where one can be certain, and works in lucid things like lingual/spoken word analysis or theory analysis (or any other awesome type), the arrogance fades away, and instead the emphasis begins to strike as the ability to debate and imagination. Whilst the INTJ-Linguals are sort of seen as the stupid INTJs, that's what I can bolster with... Alright, INFJs will find INTJs in lingual analysis as not just arrogant, but evil, as we state our ideas really defensively but also with absolute certainty, and when we are wrong we defend it until there's no proof that it's not wrong. Most people (especially (annoying) feeler types) never tend to see what happens after we defend it so heavily, which is where they come up with that 'Ha! He's stupid and arrogant, won't even accept it', but in reality we just accepted it, cause we shut up, at which we're probably already researching the proof why we now believe what you said, and know it better than you. Cause we're vulnerable creatures, not arrogant. This is getting to aphoric so I'll stop.

    11. I also tend to be a lingual-INTJ. I was raised by a brillant INFJ who still calls me out for being arrogant. I honestly don't think I am. I am starting to see that to many people, the INTJ reserve, combined with our power of conviction and the ability to defend them often ruthlessly are percieved by many to be arrogant. The fact is that a good many INTJs are using arrogance and intellect to mask massive insecurities.

  5. I am experienced enough to not let my INTJ part dominate my action when I really want something (from people). I know when to masquerade; I go with what works....but this is also very INTJ.
    Working with INTJ's is soothing (when you are INTJ), covering ground effortless. But then there is stuff we can not do.....we are all in this together. Be nice to each other.

    1. I've found the ENTP personality fills in our areas that are lacking, while we do the same with theirs. It makes for a dangerously strong combo in the work place. However, there is the risk of neither type being particularly prone to stepping back from absolute pragmatism so there is the heightened likelihood that the two of you will only reaffirm each others' positions on things, rather than evolving. If said "things" involve feelings.

    2. My work team is an INTJ president, myself (ENTP) vice president and our public relations person is an INFP. It's perfect.

  6. INTJ or NPD? Some here seem to be displaying symptoms of NPD. If you are secure in yourself and your worth and you know anything about anything, you wouldn't need to feel "better" than anyone else (by means of a personality label or otherwise). FYI you can't be better than anyone else - grasping for extraordinary when we are all the same. Chill out and wake up maybe/

  7. Question I really like this girl and she send me this
    Its the 15th one from the top , The love equation one . What does it mean exaclty coming from INTJ . I dont want to mess this up with her and miss understand the meaning. Thank you

  8. Why on earth would anyone actually WANT to be an INTJ? Yes, it's right for me, and I can't imaging being any other way, but seriously folks... I guess it's like being famous - looks good and desirable from a distance, but the reality is that once you have it, it's not all it's cracked up to be. I hate dealing with idiots...uh, ignoramuses... uh, ignorant and just-to-damn-happy-upbeat-and annoying people. For God's sake, if you don't have something interesting to say, than just be quiet or go away.

    Wow! That sounds pretty anti-social. I'm really not ...exactly. I want to be happy and upbeat, but it just doesn't mesh. I get pleasure from solving puzzles of all kinds, reading, thinking, being responsible for things and completing my own tasks. I would like to be a leader, but don't want to lead. I just want others to obey ... make that - follow my lead. without too much conversation. Argue, yes. I like that as long as we all stick with facts instead of beliefs and, God forbid, feelings.

  9. I am an INFP, and my boyfriend is INTJ, he is cold as INTJs are expected but he know how to be sympathetic too, he is the only genius person after my university professor, i have met in my life. I think INTJs are not that harsh, they are just rational and straight forward. They are like coconut, hard outside, soft inside and only show their inner side to the one they love, trust and care most.


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