INTJ Standards

Yes! INTJs have Standards!

Writing on one of my other blogs I came across a topic that somewhat relates to my INTJ lifestyle. I will paste the first paragraph of the post here. If you like what you see you can go to the full article linked here. Of note, this article primarily addresses just one aspect of my standards pertaining to relationships, but seems to be the more prevalent problem area I have encountered. 

"I want to take some time to address an issue that I have been exposed to more and more as of late. Since attending my new college as of this past August, I have been approached both directly and indirectly with comments about my appearance and or propositions for a relationship. 

Some of these women are what some may call "hot" or "attractive." However, in every instance to date, I have politely declined their advances. When the topic of girls or relationships is brought up (which seems to be quite often) when I am with my friends they ask me if I am seeing anyone or if I have been on any dates recently. In most situations, I..."     The full article is listed here


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