Last Night

That isn't really the case... 

When reading through several different INTJ descriptions online, I sometimes come across a few points in how INTJ's are described that I disagree on. 

One of the points that I used to disagree with was this: INTJ often would rather enjoy a quiet evening reading a book than attend a crowed party.  Being at university, I sometimes find myself invited to parties. Three out of four times I will likely accept the invitation. I usually only stay at the party for a brief time and then thank the host and leave - often under the notion that I have some school project or homework to complete. The other fourth of the time I have university or employment matters to attend and politely decline. 

However, it has been of late that I decline invitations and instead opt for reading. Being in university, I don't have to search far for a reading assignment. However, since the break is approaching, reading assignments have become less frequent and I have since substituted my own preferences into my daily reading schedule. 

It has been just recently that I have come to the realization that I actually do match the point I originally disagreed with "INTJ often would rather enjoy a quiet evening reading a book than attending a crowded party." I do still attend the occasional party, however, I do see myself reading more often than attending parties. 


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